Monday, February 15, 2010

Interiors: Walls of Art

The cover of the latest Elle Decor features a beautiful living room with floor to ceiling artwork wrapped around a corner.  I love it!  With the exception of large pieces, I am somebody who hangs art in collections.  Partly because I love the contrast that comes from different styles, colors and subject matter, partly because I believe that that a house is a home and not a gallery, and partly because I have always owned more artwork and stuff to put on walls than walls.  In my mind when it comes to home decoration anything you hang on a wall falls into the category of artwork including personal photos, certificates, college pendants, collectibles . . .

Went searching for some great art walls. . . from top to bottom:  Via Elle Decor . . . Canadian House & Home . . . Country Living . . . Design Sponge . . . South of the Sahara . . .

1 comment:

  1. rec'd a valentine painting and now have to rehang the wall....this is great inspiration.
