Dog Whisperer, Cesar Millan's longtime friend and partner in canine rehabilitation, Daddy died peacefully surrounded by family on Friday. I am a huge defender of the pit bull as in my experience, they are wonderful, smart, loving and lovable animals with a bad rap no thanks to some of their owners. Per the official notice: "[Daddy] lived each day of those sixteen years happy and fulfilled as Cesar's right-hand-"man," helping to shape the behavior of entire generations of dogs by showing them the way to balance. He stood as champion for calm-submissive pit bulls everywhere..."
To honor Daddy's legacy, the Daddy's Emergency Animal Rescue ["DEAR"] Fund has been established by the Cesar and Ilusion Millan Foundation. The DEAR Fund will provide assistance for dogs who are victims of abuse or violence, man-made disasters, and large-scale natural disasters.
Thank you Margaret for forwarding the email notice to me.
Well said.